Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Getting ready...

First.. some exciting news! I am really excited to announce that I am featured in another blog this month. Its called Sisters Under the Feathers, a blog by Noir-a-gogo. Its a blog dedicated to highlighting Today's Black Pin-up and Burlesque performers. Its truly an honor to be recognized by them. Please check them out and read my interview. I answered all the questions as openly as my heart would allow and I even mentioned some lofty goals that I hope to achieve in my BurlyQ career. Click on the link below to check it out! It will be up for the entire month! You can also purchase super cute accessories!

October is here and it marks the beginning of my favorite time of year. No, not the holiday season, although I do love festivities, but I'm referring to the time of year that I tend to get the most shit done. I don't know exactly why, but this time of year beings upon great changes in productivity. Its almost as if a veil that has been over my eyes all year is finally being lifted. It's time for me to focus. If not, then the next few months are gonna be filled with overwhelming disappointments. I have no intention of going into 2014 with regrets, so I'm gonna use the next 3 months to insure that does not happen.

I decided to take a look at some of my goals in order to draft a plan of action for accomplishing them. And while there are huge factors that are not in my control, I intend dominate the factors that I can control. In taking a deeper look, I realized that a time of review is upon me. I am approaching a time where I will be under high critique and judgement. The only way to come out on top is to figure out exactly what is expected of me.

So what is to be expected? Dedication is first and foremost. If I am to achieve great things, then I am going to have to put in the work. No excuses. It is obvious when a person is resting on their laurels. That's is the exact opposite of how I want to be seen. I want to show myself as a person who is constantly reaching for greater things. Unfortunately, I have the tendency to fall short on this. Like most people, I get caught up in self doubt which causes me to loose hope, and ultimately give up on myself. It's the most horrible form of self-fulfilling prophecy. I can't do this to myself again. I first have to believe that my dreams are possible, and then go after them as though they are already mine.

There are attributes that I possess that I need to minimize as well. I have a fear that I come across as a diva. Its the absolute worst feeling to have when I am constantly surrounded by people who have admire and respect so much. I need to find a better way to channel my insecurities so that I am not misunderstood. Finally finding a world that I fit into and love so much is completely terrifying. I don't want to loose everything I've gained. The only way that people are going to see me for who I really am is to be humble. I confess... I have not always had the nicest things to say about people, and I have found myself feeling entitled to things in my life that are not rightfully mine. It is a constant battle. Self-doubt shows itself in the most unflattering ways, and sometimes it causes people to be a both. I have to constantly look within to make sure that I am being appreciative of my good fortune and always remaining humble.

Ultimately, all anyone wants from me is exactly what I want from my self, to simply be myself. The next few months are gonna be dedicated to discovering how far I can go. I want to see what I am able to accomplish when I don't set limits on myself. If I am committed to this, then when I step into that spotlight and put everything I have on the table, I cant be disappointed if things don't go my way. I'll know that I did my very best, so I wont be disappointed in myself.  But that only happens if I actually commit. Stay tuned to see how it all works out.