Monday, May 30, 2011

What Oprah knows...

A dear friend of mine shared this link with me. Its Oprah's farewell speech and it really spoke to me. It spoke to all of us. I am not a die hard Oprah fan. But I have a great appreciation and respect for her. So although I may have only seen a small percentage of the show, I really wanted to watch the final episodes just to witness the great impact that she has had on so many lives. I was not able to watch the episode air live because I was working, but even days later, watching it online, her words made an impact on me.

Live from the heart of yourself.
You have to make a living, I understand that.
But you also have to know what sparks the light in you
so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world.- Oprah

These words in particular made me really want to focus on what sparks the light in me. And the thing that meant so much to me is the realization that I have already found it. I found it in helping people in my own way. I found it in decorating peoples homes. I found it in giving tarot readings. I found it in cooking for people. I have found it in this blog.

I realize that my platform is small. But each and every time I get the satisfying sense that I have helped someone, it recharges my soul. It creates a burning desire to do more. Without a doubt, it is my passion. All I want in my life is to reach people. I want them to feel that I have somehow helped to improve the quality in their lives. It may sound selfish, but its the best kind of selfishness. I have been the recipient of help for a long time from a lot of good people. So trust me when I say that service is a win win situation.

Every time I get a new hit on my blog, it means something. I currently have 120 views. Which is kind of like the opposite of going viral. But each one of those views makes me so happy. Whether 120 people have taken their time to read the things I write or 1 person is reading my writing 120 times, I want to thank you for your support. I never went to school to be a writer. Up until recently, I never even had the confidence to put the things I have written out there. I am not pretending to be the best, but that does not mean that I don't have a voice. So thank you for listening and giving me strength to be louder. I wont let you down.

I could not find suitable copy of the video to add to the blog,
but below is the link to Oprah's website and takes you directly to her farewell address.

Part of my journey to self satisfaction is helping others to find their way. I have so many people in my life who truly are special but didn't get the encouragement that they needed to thrive. I will do my very best to become that person, who no matter what, always encourages others to reach for more. I want everyone to become the version of themselves that they always dreamed to be. Everything is possible for those who believe.

I want to dedicate this post to my older, wiser, unconditionally loyal brother.
 You are brilliant, passionate, and deserving of the better things.
Now its finally time to live the life you have always wanted.
I will love and support you always.
Happy 30th Birthday.

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