Friday, June 29, 2012

Debut Performance...

Hey there lovelies. I have been meaning to post this for a while now, but you know how life tends to get away from me. Anyhow, here is the video from my Debut Burlesque performance. I am really proud of this number as it took months for me to grow the balls to perform it. But now that I have, performing has become a bit of a drug for me. I have been lucky to have been able to perform so often, so soon into my career, and I am thankful for every person who has supported me along the way. So... 

Also... If any of you are interested, I'm going to try to make it a point to add the flyers of my upcoming shows to this blog. So here is the flyer for the show that I will be kittening tonight. And for those of you who don't know what the kitten is, I call her the Vanna White of a burlesque show. She is the girl who comes on stage and picks up all the removed clothing by the performers and assist the host of the show in any way. Kittening has become one of my favorite gigs. But back to tonights show...

And... I am happy to announce that I have been asked back to perform in the Juke Joint Review #3!!! I had an absolute blast performing with such an amazing band, Empire Beats featuring the kick ass voice of Camille Atkinson. If you were not able to make it out to the last one, then don't miss this one on July 17th. I will be adding the flyer here once its made. 

Lastly... I had a blast at a photo shoot this week. I had my images captured by the very talented Andrew Lavengood of Andrew Lavengood Photography. I can't wait to get the images back and post them here for you. :) Please feel free to check out his blog:

And don't forget to check me out on Facebook:

That's all for now...

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