Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I've been called a liar.
People have called me an actress.
Others have called me manipulative,
I've been looked upon as a person who has a dark side. And I do.

But then again, so do you.

I have been hurt. I have been used and most certainly abused. Things have been stolen which I have never recovered. All of that sorrow living inside of me and all they EVER DO is blame it on me. There is a lifetime of pain and misfortune and regret. No one understands me.

But maybe you do.

Ive seen the light. Yes my body and soul are still here, but a very old way of thinking has finally died. And now there is room for new things. I am not afraid.Nothing can be worst the the prisons that I have put myself in.I know the truth and I have forgiven myself for letting myself down.

That's all oven now. I promise you.

In person, I may be guarded. But here, I will always tell the truth. This is my place to be free to tell all of my secrets. And know that they are being judge and finally not give a fuck. This is a place about love. Celebrating all forms, especially the one I now have for myself. This is who I am. I'm giving you the chance to know me.

Love me or hate me, that is up to you.

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